ALPHA TEST - WITHOUT SHARING This is the first public release of our new app, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Absolute mobile forms is a mobile data collection solution that utilises your phones and tablets to deliver mobile forms to your workers. Our mobile app is designed to increase efficiency and productivity by allowing its users to create and deploy mobile forms to mobile workers.
Perfect for audits, inspection apps, check-lists, job management, mobile surveys and event reporting.
Simple mobile data collection! Any activity that currently involves a paper form being completed can now be done using AbsoluteForms anywhere and at any time.
Form Builder
You don’t need to be a programmer to use our mobile form builder. Forms can be built offline in minutes from the app - be it on the train, aeroplane or ship syncing your forms when your network is restored. The mobile form builder allows you to pick from any of our question types, set validation rules and hide or display questions depending on user interactions.
Share offline forms and online forms
Once built, you have the option to share offline forms with departments or online forms as web forms via links.
Fill & Submit
Designed to make form filling as simple and intuitive as possible:
> Colour coded validation – instantly see what questions are unanswered, required or contain an invalid answer
> Percentage bars – instantly see how complete a form or section is
> Optimum font size and layout
> Forms are presented in list form, making best use of limited space
Work offline in remote environments - safe in the knowledge that form data is stored until an Internet connection is available.
View & Export
View and export completed reports directly from the app - no need to log into any website using a desktop. Export to PDF and Excel manually or add simple workflow by automatically exporting to an email address.
ALPHA TEST - OHNE TEILEN Dies ist die erste Veröffentlichung unserer neuen App, jegliches Feedback wird sehr geschätzt.
Absolute mobile Formulare ist ein mobiles Datenerfassungslösung, die Ihre Handys und Tabletten verwendet, um mobile Formulare an Ihre Mitarbeiter liefern. Unsere mobile App ist so konzipiert, Effizienz und Produktivität zu steigern, indem die Benutzer es ermöglicht die Erstellung und mobile Formulare für mobile Mitarbeiter bereitstellen.
Perfekt für Audits, Inspektion Apps, Checklisten, Auftragsmanagement, mobile Umfragen und Ereignisberichte.
Einfache mobile Datenerfassung! Jede Tätigkeit, die derzeit ein Papierformular beinhaltet abgeschlossen werden kann nun getan werden AbsoluteForms überall und jederzeit verwenden.
Form Builder
Sie brauchen kein Programmierer sein, unsere mobilen Formular-Builder zu verwenden. Formulare können offline in Minuten von der App gebaut werden - sei es auf dem Zug, Flugzeug oder Schiff Synchronisieren Sie Ihre Formulare, wenn Ihr Netzwerk wiederhergestellt wird. Das mobile Formular-Builder ermöglicht es Ihnen, von jedem unserer Fragetypen, stellen Sie Validierungsregeln zu holen und zu verstecken oder Fragen Interaktionen je nach Benutzer anzeigen.
Teilen offline Formulare und Online-Formulare
Einmal gebaut, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, offline Formen zu teilen mit Abteilungen oder Online-Formulare als Web-Formulare über Links.
Fill & Absenden
Entwickelt so einfach und intuitiv wie möglich zu gestalten Formular ausfüllen:
> Farbcodierung Validierung - sofort sehen, welche Fragen sind unbeantwortet, erforderlich oder eine ungültige Antwort enthalten
> Percentage Stäbe - sofort sehen, wie ein Formular ausfüllen oder Abschnitt ist
> Optimale Schriftgröße und Layout
> Formulare werden in Listenform, optimale Nutzung der begrenzten Raum machen
Offline arbeiten in Remote-Umgebungen - in dem sicheren Wissen, dass Daten bilden wird gespeichert, bis eine Internetverbindung verfügbar ist.
Ansehen und Export
Ansicht und Export abgeschlossen Berichte direkt aus der App - keine Notwendigkeit, in jede Website einzuloggen einen Desktop verwenden. Export in PDF und Excel manuell oder fügen Sie einfachen Workflow, indem es automatisch an eine E-Mail-Adresse zu exportieren.
ALPHA TEST - WITHOUT SHARING This is the first public release of our new app, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Absolute mobile forms is a mobile data collection solution that utilises your phones and tablets to deliver mobile forms to your workers. Our mobile app is designed to increase efficiency and productivity by allowing its users to create and deploy mobile forms to mobile workers.
Perfect for audits, inspection apps, check-lists, job management, mobile surveys and event reporting.
Simple mobile data collection! Any activity that currently involves a paper form being completed can now be done using AbsoluteForms anywhere and at any time.
Form Builder
You don’t need to be a programmer to use our mobile form builder. Forms can be built offline in minutes from the app - be it on the train, aeroplane or ship syncing your forms when your network is restored. The mobile form builder allows you to pick from any of our question types, set validation rules and hide or display questions depending on user interactions.
Share offline forms and online forms
Once built, you have the option to share offline forms with departments or online forms as web forms via links.
Fill & Submit
Designed to make form filling as simple and intuitive as possible:
> Colour coded validation – instantly see what questions are unanswered, required or contain an invalid answer
> Percentage bars – instantly see how complete a form or section is
> Optimum font size and layout
> Forms are presented in list form, making best use of limited space
Work offline in remote environments - safe in the knowledge that form data is stored until an Internet connection is available.
View & Export
View and export completed reports directly from the app - no need to log into any website using a desktop. Export to PDF and Excel manually or add simple workflow by automatically exporting to an email address.